Most Important Questions of Mr.Chips
1) Who is the writer of novel “Good bye Mr.Chips”?
2) Write a brief character sketch of Mr.chips?
3) What was the real name of Mr.Chips?
4) Write a note on Mr.Chips as a teacher?
5) Draw a brief character sketch of Katherine Bridges?
6) When was Mr.Chips born?
7) Who was wetherby?
8) Write a character sketch of Mr.Ralston?
9) Who was chatteris?
10) Who was Mrs.wickets?
11) Who was Mr.Meldrum?
12) Who was marivale?
13) Write a short note on Brookfield school?
14) When was Brookfield school established?
15) When was the school rebuilt?
16) What was the condition of school under wetherby?
17) What type of people did brookfied produce?
18) Write a note on Brookfield stay at Brookfield?
19) What was the shortcomings of Mr.Chips as a teacher?
20) What was the status of Mr.Chips in Brookfield at sixty?
21) When did Mr.Chips join Brookfield?
22) In which school Mr.Chips teach before joining Brookfield?
23) Why did Mr.Chips leave Melbury school?
24) Who was the headmaster of Brookfield when Mr.Chips Joined it?
25) What happen when Mr.Chips took his first class?
26) Who was colley? What story was attach with him?
27) Which two schools were playing cricket when chips came for an interview at Brookfield school?
28) Who made century in a cricket match when Mr.Chips came for an interview at Brookfield ?
29) What mischief was made in the very first class of Mr.Chips Brookfield and who made it?
30) How did Mr.Chips treat colley who dropped a desk lid in the class?
31) What did Mr.Chips say to the young colley whom he punished?
32) Where and how did chips meet Katherine?
33) Who went with Mr.Chips to the lake district?
34) How old Mr.Chips when he met Katherine?
35) How did they fall in love with each other?
36) Why did Katherine like Mr.Chips and marry Katherine?
37) What type of girl was Katherine bridges?
38) How did Chips feel in the company of women?
39) Why did Mr.Chips not like Bernard shaw and Ibsen and bicycling?
40) What were the political views of Katherine?
41) What did Chips remember about the time he spent with Katherine in lake district?
42) How did Katherine mould Mr.Chip’s life?
43) What did Katherine say to Chips on the night before wedding?
44) Why did the boys at school begin to love Mr.Chips after marriage?
45) How did Katherine urge Chips to forgive the students for their mistakes?
46) What memories of Katherine haunted Mr.Chips?
47) Write a short note on Mr.Chips married life?
48) How did Katherine bridges persuade the authorities of Brookfield school football match
between Brookfield school and missionary school?
49) Did Mr.Chips want to receive condolence letters on the death anniversary of his wife?
50) What was April foolery Mr.Chips faced?
51) Who was Ralston?
52) Why did not Mr.chips like Ralston?
53) What did Ralston ask chips to do and what was the letter’s response?
54) What charges did Ralston bring about against Chips?
55) What was the reaction of Mr.Chips against these charges?
56) What did Chips think of Ralston’s remarks?
57) How did the people of the town come to know about the quarrel?
58) What was the reaction of the school administration at his incident?
59) What was the reaction of parents at this quarrel?
60) What did Mr.Ralston do afterwards?
61) Who was the successor of Ralston and what kind of man was he?
62) When did Mr.Chips retire?
63) With whom Mr.Chips lived after retirement?
64) Write a note on Mr.Chips life after retirement?
65) When was Mr.Chips given a farewell party?
66) Write a note on the speech which Chips made in the farewell party?
67) What did Mr.Chips tell the audience about the captain of the school?
68) What did Mr.Chips remember in his speech?
69) What service did Brookfield render during the world war ?
70) When and why did Mr.Chips join Brookfield again?
71) What duties did Mr.Chips perform after he rejoined the school?
72) What is rissole? What joke did Mr.Chips make about it?
73) When was he made the acting head master of the school?
74) How did Mr.Chips keep up the spirits of boys during war?
75) What was the condition of Mrs.wickett’s house?
76) What were the activities of Mr.Chips at Mrs.wickett’s house?
77) What happened to Mr.Chips when too many old boys visited him?
78) Write a note on Mr.Chips meeting with the boy lindford?
79) Who said goodbye to Mr.Chips at the end of his life?
80) What were the feelings of Mr.Chips when lindford had gone away?
81) Who were around him when Chips awoke?
82) When did Mr.Chips remember to his death bed?
83) What did Cartwright say to Mr.Chips
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