MDCAT Preparation by STMI
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Note : This is the combine test of Day 16 and Day 17
(UHS MDCAT 2023)
Descending aorta is bifurcated into two vessels which on further division from femoral artery that supply blood to high muscles of legs:
A) Iliac Vein
B) Temporal Artery
C) Iliac Artery
D) Sciatic Artery
Correct answer: C) Iliac Artery
(UHS MDCAT 2023)
The final destination of lymph is:
A) Lymph Nodes
B) Lymphoid Organs
C) Lymph Capillaries
D) Subclavian Vein
Correct answer: D) Subclavian Vein
(UHS MDCAT 2023)
The movement of water to lower solute concentration area through a semipermeable membrane is?
A) Osmotic Potential
B) Pressure Potential
C) Soil potential
D) Solute Potential
Correct Answer: A) Osmotic Potential
(UHS MDCAT 2023)
The ___________ describes how water and dissolved chemicals are carried through the cell wall and intercellular gaps of plants.
A) Apoplast theory
B) Symplast theory
C) Vascular theory
D) Cytoplasmic theory
Correct Answer: A) Apoplast theory
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